We have never been content with “we have always done it that way” and love to push the limits of what is possible.

Having grown up in the Oil and Gas industry, we have pushed traditional presentation methods to their limits. While we had great success over the years, we never truly captured our vision of a fully interactive presentation tool. A tool that would not only allow the users to explore and interact beyond a simple understanding of the information but to be able to engage with concepts and ideas in an exciting new way.


We have never been content with “we have always done it that way” and love to push the limits of what is possible.

Having grown up in the Oil and Gas industry, we have pushed traditional presentation methods to their limits. While we had great success over the years, we never truly captured our vision of a fully interactive presentation tool. A tool that would not only allow the users to explore and interact beyond a simple understanding of the information but to be able to engage with concepts and ideas in an exciting new way.


Redefining the Way We Share Information

Excite and engage your audience with nVision Worx’s commitment to the extraordinary. We go beyond simply introducing your products and services, we bring your ideas to life. Everything your business creates, be it a service or a product, is based on an idea. The more effective you are at communicating your ideas the more your clients will be comfortable partnering with you.
Our approach is simple, we incorporate your ideas into our game-changing nVision software suite to make your next presentation an exciting exploration. A perfect tool for sales, marketing, training, educational purposes, and beyond.

Andy Pope

Designer Extraordinaire

Todd McGee

Boundary Explorer


Early 90s

A 2D world

Our entry into the Oil & Gas industry in the early 90’s was treated with a need to produce color drawings from Autocad drawings that we generally used to convey product designs. Hatching parts ruled the day to differentiate components.

Early 90s

Late 90s

Keeping within the lines

Hatching was replaced with the use of polygons to create boundaries for colors allowing for 2D drawings to be brought into graphics packages that offered shading and a full range of color.

Late 90s

The 21st century

3D finds its place

Companies began to see the benefits of 3D engineering software and marketing followed the lead with high-end rendering and limited animations.

The 21st century


Render, render, render, and composite

Render farms and quick response animations were all the rage. In-house and outsourced rendering could work through the night shorting production times.


2022 — nVision Worx

nVision Worx comes to life

Our vision of combining the real-time benefits within a presentation was developed with an ultimate user interface. Every new step we take continues to show us new uses and avenues to expand what we can accomplish and the impact of our vision.

2022 — nVision Worx


nVision Worx Announcements